(604) 263-0323
1636 West 75th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2

All About Gas Fireplaces

Produced by Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency

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Table of Contents

1. A Special Place in the Home
2. Gas Fireplaces and the Environment
3. What to Look For
      Types of gas fireplaces
      Types of venting
      Efficiency ratings
      The new EnerGuide Fireplace Efficiency (FE) rating
      Input and output ratings
      Electronic or intermittent ignition vs. continuous pilot lights
      Variable-setting controls and thermostats
      Heat exchange and transfer
4. Locating a Fireplace for Maximum Benefit
5. Summary of Features to Look for in an Energy-Efficient Gas Fireplace
6. Gas “Logs” Not Recommended
7. What to Avoid
8. Installing Your Gas Fireplace
9. Safety Tips for Operating Your Gas Fireplace
10. Using Your Gas Fireplace Efficiently
11. For More Information
Appendix Determining How a Gas Fireplace Will Affect Your Heating Bill



The Heating and Cooling Series is published by Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency. EnerGuide is the official Government of Canada mark associated with the labelling and rating of the energy consumption or energy efficiency of household appliances, heating and ventilation equipment, air conditioners, houses and vehicles.

EnerGuide also helps manufacturers and dealers promote energy-efficient equipment and provides consumers with the information they need to choose energy-efficient residential equipment.

EnerGuide for Houses offers home energy evaluations by unbiased, qualified and licensed service providers in communities across Canada. Technicians use their expertise in combination with energy modelling software to prepare a report to help the homeowner plan for energy efficiency renovations to an existing house or to make informed decisions while choosing energy upgrades before building a new home. The report includes an EnerGuide for Houses label and rating. Visit our Web site at energuideforhouses.gc.ca .



Source: Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) - Office of Energy Efficiency

The Heating and Cooling Series is published by Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency's EnerGuide programs. EnerGuide is the official Government of Canada mark associated with the labelling and rating of the energy consumption or energy efficiency of household appliances, heating and ventilation equipment, air conditioners, houses and vehicles.

EnerGuide also helps manufacturers and dealers promote energy-efficient equipment and provides consumers with the information they need to choose energy-efficient residential equipment.